Gain Confidence in Your Yoga Practice

Begin a personal journey to physical, mental and emotional freedom by building a solid yoga foundation.

Many people hear about the benefits of yoga, but feel too intimidated to walk into a yoga studio or try yoga online...

We think yoga is for everybody and every body.

This online course is an easy and accessible introduction to yoga for both beginners and seasoned yogis alike, where you'll learn...

Yoga History & Philosophy

Learn where yoga comes from, why yoga is such a powerful wellness practice, and how yoga can enhance your daily life.

Tools for Mental & Emotional Resilience

Learn breath-work and meditation skills through your yoga practice to help manage your stress and cultivate inner calm. 

Physical Strength, Flexibility & Vitality

Your quality of life is determined by the health of your body. You'll gain strength, mobility and higher energy levels as you develop a consistent yoga practice.

Here's What's Inside Yoga Foundations

The Yoga Foundations online course includes 9 Zoom video recordings (from live studio classes) and 2 comprehensive PDF guides.

Lesson 01.

Intro to the 8 Limbs of Yoga

  • Meet your instructors, Lara-Lyn & Tweshi
  • Learn a brief history of yoga...
  • ... and an outline of The 8 Limbs of Yoga by Patanjali.
  • Move and breathe

1 lesson

54 minute practice time

Lesson 02.

Intro to Chakras & Bandhas

  • Learn about the 7 Primary Chakras (energy centers)
  • Aum mantra (chanting)
  • Ujjayi Pranayama (breath-work)
  • San Salutation A and B asanas (postures)

1 lesson

52 minute practice time

Lesson 03.

Muladhara – The Root Chakra

  • Learn poses to help balance the Root Chakra 
  • Nadi Shodana pranayama
  • Gyan and Vishnu mudras (hand gestures)
  • The Bija mantra for Muladhara

1 lesson

51 minute practice time

Lesson 04.

Swadisthana – The Sacral Chakra

  • Learn poses to help balance the Sacral Chakra
  • Adi mantra
  • Bhastrika pranayama with Mula bandha (energy lock)
  • Shakti mudra

1 lesson

49 minute practice time

Lesson 05.

Manipura – The Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Learn poses to help balance the Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Surya Bedhana pranayama
  • Kali mudra
  • Bija mantra for manipura

1 lesson

50 minute practice time

Lesson 06.

Anahata – The Heart Chakra

  • Learn yin-style poses to help balance the Heart Chakra and open the heart line of the body
  • Chandra Bedhana pranayama
  • Siri Gaitri mantra
  • Hridaya mudra with meditation

1 lesson

49 minute practice time

Lesson 07.

Vishuddha – The Throat Chakra

  • Learn poses to help balance the Throat Chakra
  • Brahmari pranayama
  • Sat Nam mantra
  • Anjali mudra

1 lesson

47 minute practice time

Lesson 08.

Ajna – The Third Eye Chakra

  • Learn poses to help open the Third Eye Chakra
  • Bija mantra for Ajna
  • Kalesvara mudra
  • Meditation on Third Eye

1 lesson

50 minute practice time

Lesson 09.

Sahasrara – The Crown Chakra

  • Learn poses to help balance the Crown Chakra 
  • Lotus mudra
  • Bija mantra chanting to balance all 7 primary chakras

1 lesson

47 minute practice time

You'll Also Receive...

To assist your learning and understanding throughout the course, we created 2 PDF yoga guides for you to download..

A Guide to The 8 Limbs of Yoga

A Guide To The 7 Primary Chakras

Get the Yoga Foundations Course Now!

About Your Yoga Foundations Instructors — Lara-Lyn & Tweshi

Lara-Lyn is an international yoga and acrobatics instructor as well as a practicing Thai Massage therapist. Her yoga journey began over 18 years ago and now owns and operates her own yoga studio — The Yoga Shala in Windhoek, Namibia.

Tweshi is an experienced yogi and yoga teacher who has completed several local and international trainings — including a YTT at SVYASA Yoga University in Bingipura, India.




Yoga Foundations Online Course — Lifetime Access

Get instant access to all 9 classes and 2 downloadable guides with your purchase

The Yoga Foundations Online Course Comes with a 30-Day, 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.

If, for any reason, you don't like the Yoga Foundations Online Course, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just send an email to and we'll either resolve them or give you a no questions asked refund.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need previous yoga experience to take this online course?

No. This course is designed specifically for people with little to no yoga experience or seasoned yogi who want a refresh on their fundamentals. The Yoga Foundations online course is suitable for all ages, backgrounds and levels of fitness too.

How long will it take me to complete this course?

It's up to you. As soon as you purchase Yoga Foundations, you'll have instant and lifetime access to all 9 lessons, so you can follow each one at your own speed. You're even welcome to repeat the course as many times as you want! We recommend completing 2 classes per week (e.g. Tuesdays and Thursdays), which will help you complete the course one month — and more importantly — build a consistent practice. Once you complete Yoga Foundations, you can then continue growing your practice by attending The Yoga Shala's beginner online classes and more!

What can I gain from a yoga practice?

The benefits of a consistent yoga practice are broad. The physical postures of yoga help to strengthen, stabilize and mobilize the body, as well as improve flexibility and energy levels. Yoga also helps to release tension, manage stress and calm emotional turbulence. Finally, yoga provides tools for gaining a deeper understanding of ourselves and how to navigate our daily lives better.

What kind of gear do I need to take this online course?

All you need is a yoga mat! However, if possible, having 1 or 2 yoga blocks can help support your practice. Having a pillow or blanket around can make some poses more comfortable. Wear comfortable clothes that allow free movement and we recommend having water to drink during the class as well.
